⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Testimonial

“Second half of our window project is now complete + new front door! WindowLab (née Apex Energy Solutions) was fantastic once again! We had a different two man crew this time, who were just as fast and awesome as the first crew. They even noticed one of the previous windows wasn't perfect and took it out and fixed it in 30 minutes. They arrived around 8 each day, and got everything done in a day and a half. Super duper efficient. Our house is even quieter than before, and we can already feel the indoor temperature staying cooler. And the door. OMG the door. Completely worth it - gorgeous colors, stunning glass, colorful outside but mellow inside and it keeps the heat out. We face directly west, and the afternoon sun has been painfully heating our previous door, but not this one. It feels cool inside and we can touch the screen door without getting burned on the worst days. WindowLab is wonderful! Enjoy the pics.

Oh! The screen door has the screen internally, so it is glass, then slides down so the top half is screen. You do not have to open the door for solicitors, it is amazing. Highly recommend if you get 1-2 lawn/roof/pest guys a week.”

- Sarah Borzym


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